Yesterday, I was in the park.
Yesterday, I was in the park and I saw something very strange.
It was a normal day. I had my breakfast and went to school. Everything seemed fine, but I had a feeling that something bad will happen. When I came home I did my homework and went to the park. I heard weird noise. I went to check what it was. I went threw a very dense grown forest when I got to a clearing. The earth stopped shaking and some weird creatures came out of the ground with a big strange machine. Then an UFO landed there. It was a meeting. The ground weirdoes had a device that could destroy earth people –but from the air. They wanted to sell it to the aliens for any technology they want and life on their planet. The weirdoes (underground creatures) had sunglasses and special suits for protection from the sun. One came out without that and burned to death. Suddenly my phone started to ring and I tripped on the machine from my hiding place. The aliens escaped but the weirdoes got so scared that their sunglasses fell off and they burned. I berried the bodies, so that would be my little secret but the next day they were gone. I guess that nobody will ever know what happened whit the weirdoes or the aliens.
That was my little secret till now that I am writing this. My clumsiness finally helped the world.