Aaron Veldin: My weird dream
“I cannot believe it, have you ever seen a night like this?” says the song. But I say… “I had a very wierd dream last night!!!”
And it goes like this:
I dreamed something about water, and an unattractive Harry Potter. He did some magic for me, it was very good – you need to see. “EXPECTO PATRONUM”, he yelled in the sky, and I simply stood there, didn’t ask why. Suddenly Charlie Chaplin appeared, he was dancing around and he had a beard. “Isn’t he weird and funny?” I said, said Harry: “Yes, but you met him you should be glad.”
And Charlie lied down on a bed, in his hand, there was no cane – it was an I-pod instead. He put a small hat on his head, shaved his beard and DISSAPEARED. In my dream, there was also a house with a big car, and only Albanians understand, why I was born under a lucky star